We can help with complete design solutions for your home -  with minimal or maximum input and guidance as needed. Every client is unique and has different requirements, we will meet with you and go through all your wishes - this can be from a simple update to your soft furnishings or a full redesign of the interiors within your home. Where possible, we will attend your home in person to gain a full understanding of your style, but if distance prevents this then an online consultancy package can be arranged. A full, detailed quote will then be prepared once an in depth knowledge of your requirements is known. Quotes can include mood/sample boards, 3D visuals and photo realistic imaging, written detailed reports, verbal consultations and full implementation of the proposed scheme with project management if required. Each quote is tailored to your own specific needs, creating a truly bespoke and individual service.

We can also help if you are looking to sell your home. We can visit, view your home and suggest simple ways to style/refresh on minimal budget to increase your selling potential.

We can also design new homes, including show homes which can be tailored to appeal to all - increasing your sales as potential buyers can really visualise themselves within the space. We have a vast range of suppliers for all furniture inc sofas, dressers, tables, chairs, accessories, mirrors, wallpaper and fabrics - all of which can be then used to ‘dress’ your home - and if wished, also purchased through Joy Interiors - you would really be selling your customers their dream.

A new service we can now offer is a 'Bespoke boxed scheme' - if distance is a factor for a personal consultation, we can now offer a postal service where we can produce a completely bespoke room design based on email/phone conversations.

Consultancy services start from as little as £100 - please contact us for further details.
